Insert your OLD Dominion Tracking Number, BOL, and Pro in below tracker system to get your trucking, ltl Carrier, container Status details online.
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc Contact Details:
Telephone No: 1-800-235-5569
Contact E-mail Address:
Old Dominion Freight Lines Tracking System
The old dominion freight tracking system provides clients with information on the progress of their goods and assists customers in calculating the anticipated shipping schedule. It’s not difficult to track down an old dominion. To check the progress of your cargo, you simply have to type in the 10-digit tracking number. To accomplish this, you must either visit the official website where you can put your tracking code to monitor your freight or go to the odfl tracking link and input the tracking code in the right location to receive updates.
If you’re seeking a quick, easy, and efficient solution, Use our track tool, please. You will be shown the order’s progress by doing this. This approach consistently yields precise and quick results.
Branch | Contact number | Address |
Atlanta Ga | +1 404-363-0770 | 4271 Bowman Industrial Ct, Conley, GA 30288, United States |
Austin Texas | +1 512-926-9691 | 6403 Decker Ln, Austin, TX 78724, United States |
Ankeny | +1 515-266-7187 | 6925 SE Four Mile Dr, Ankeny, IA 50021, United States |
Boston Ma | +1 978-452-1640 | 33 Silva Ln, Dracut, MA 01826, United States |
Boonton | +1 973-334-8833 | 335 Wootton St, Boonton, NJ 07005, United States |
Boise | +1 208-331-6611 | 1175 Lake Hazel Ln, Boise, ID 83705, United States |
Columbus Ohio | +1 614-491-3903 | 2885 Alum Creek Dr, Columbus, OH 43207, United States |
Chicago | (708) 594-3646 | 5500 W 47th St Chicago, IL 60638 |
Colorado Springs | +1 719-382-6677 | 3440 Boychuck Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80910, United States |
Canada | +1 604-529-1202 | 1305 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 4W3, Canada |
Dallas | +1 214-451-2440 | 3225 Duncanville Rd, Dallas, TX 75236, United States |
Edison Nj | +1 732-248-9104 | 180 Talmadge Rd, Edison, NJ 08817, United States |
Fort Worth Texas | +1 817-561-4583 | 4960 Martin St, Fort Worth, TX 76119, United States |
Fresno Ca | +1 559-485-0387 | 4192 S Cedar Ave, Fresno, CA 93725, United States |
Greensboro | +1 336-855-6990 | 4715 Evans-Town Rd, Greensboro, NC 27406, United States |
Greenville Sc | +1 864-877-9817 | 631 Leonard Rd, Duncan, SC 29334, United States |
Houston Tx | +1 281-449-0408 | 2755 Aldine Bender Rd, Houston, TX 77032, United States |
Indianapolis | +1 317-481-8100 | 3915 W Morris St, Indianapolis, IN 46241, United States |
Jersey City | +1 201-216-0060 | 55 Van Keuren Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306, United States |
Jacksonville Florida | +1 904-388-6567 | 720 Scotia Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32254, United States |
Kansas City | +1 913-441-3710 | 2600 S 98 St, Edwardsville, KS 66111, United States |
Las Vegas | +1 702-651-0064 | 4550 E Cheyenne Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89115, United States |
Los Angeles | (323)7253400 | 1225 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. MONTEBELLO, CA 90640 |
Laredo Tx | +1 956-722-3166 | 9010 Killam Industrial Blvd, Laredo, TX 78045, United States |
Memphis | +1 901-346-3636 | 2098 Spirit of ’76 Dr, Memphis, TN 38116, United States |
Orlando | +1 407-852-5670 | 1001 Jetstream Dr, Orlando, FL 32824, United States |
Omaha | +1 402-331-7394 | 10626 I St, Omaha, NE 68127, United States |
Portland Oregon | +1 503-265-2030 | 146 N Gertz Rd, Portland, OR 97217, United States |
Phoenix Arizona | +1 623-478-7120 | 135 S 79th Ave, Tolleson, AZ 85353, United States |
Rialto | (909)8201141 | 2180 SOUTH WILLOW BLOOMINGTON, CA 92316 |
San Diego | +1 858-450-6900 | 9850 Olson Dr Suite A, San Diego, CA 92121, United States |
Thomasville Nc | +1 336-889-5000 | 500 Old Dominion Way, Thomasville, NC 27360, United States |
Utah | +1 801-973-4666 | 2818 Parkway Blvd, West Valley City, UT 84119, United States |
Winchester Va | +1 540-535-0683 | 280 McGhee Rd, Winchester, VA 22603, United States |
Overview of Old Dominion
In 1934, Earl and Lillian Congdon launched the business. The firm’s headquarters are located in Thomasville, North California, and 244 centers support its activities. Earl Congdon and Lillian Congdo initially ran the company alone. Both of them previously managed the company; one previously drove. Nevertheless, as the company expanded, so did the number of staff.
Also Visit: CDL Tracking
According to the corporation‘s economic data, the business is also making great wealth and growing quickly. The best motor carrier corporation on the globe, this organization has 24K personnel, 52K trucks and trailers, and 254 maintenance locations worldwide. Old Dominion is committed to offering cutting-edge services that satisfy clients’ requirements. It emphasizes performing tasks accurately, which means that the business only acts in a morally upstanding and appropriate way.
The firm is popular among clients because of its user-friendly functionalities. ODFL tracking is one such tool that, in addition to giving clients access to precise order progress information, is also simple to use. Through this tool, companies may keep tabs on their shipments and communicate with the Old Dominion Company.
How do I track my Old Dominion?
Using the TrackaCourier tracking feature, you may track and trace your shipments. When an order has been placed, the company instantly emails the client their tracking number. Put this special code into the advanced tracker above. Click the track option after that. You’ll be redirected to a tracking page where you can see any information you want.
How many digits is an Old Dominion tracking number?
There are 11 digits in the company tracking number.